5 Signs You’re Ready for a New Career

5 Signs You’re Ready for a New Career

Posted by · on October 20, 2014 · in Employment, Networking, Oil and Gas Jobs, Recruitment · with Comments Off on 5 Signs You’re Ready for a New Career

Some people love their jobs. Others do not. Here are 5 signs you might be ready for a new career.


Some people love their jobs. Others do not. Here are 5 signs you might be ready for a new career.

1. Every time your boss speaks, you stop listening. This applies even when he is in the room and talking to you directly.

2. You check the want ads everyday, no exceptions, even on the weekends.

3. You wonder what they pay at your local grocery store or Tim’s.

4. You like the people you work with, but still wish the building would burn down.

5. Monday morning feels like it lasts for two weeks.

Collective Recruitment, an oil and gas recruitment agency company based in Edmonton, has heard it all, says CEO Trevor Mahl.

“I’ve heard some doozies for sure,” he says, laughing. “People in bad jobs do bad things, that includes employees and employers.”

Collective hires hundreds of people for key talent like CEOs and Project Managers, and in Mahl’s experience, a bad employee usually just means the wrong person in the wrong job. “People need to feel needed in their role and recognized for their strengths. Usually by giving a bad employee a different job the problems disappears.”

When it comes to bad employers, it can often mean a person who has been in the wrong job for a long time, and who may have been over-promoted.”

“We’re a little different at Collective Recruitment. We don’t just ask you 5 questions, and ask the employer 5 questions, and hope for the best,” says Mahl. “We’re not some TV dating show where the winner gets a rose at the end. Many of our customers are high end oil companies who need good people right now in roles crucial to the organization’s entire structure. It’s no joke.”

Asked for his advice to potential employees Mahl had 3 suggestions:

1. Honesty really is the best policy. One, it’s easier to remember the truth. Two, resume padding leads to a) dissatisfied employer and b) employee in the wrong job. Tell me the truth about you. Together, we’ll get where you want to go.

2. Assess yourself. If you come into a meeting with me, or a potential employer, and you know what you can do, and can’t do, you’re miles ahead of the guy who tells me he wants to be CEO of Shell in 3 weeks.

3. Always be improving. Employers are always looking for hustle and initiative.

And for employers? Mahl has advice for them as well.

1. Honesty is the best policy for you too. In a tough recruitment atmosphere where good people are hard to find let alone keep, you want to be known as the place that tells the truth.

2. Make your place the only place anyone wants to be. Word has a way of getting around. Ever hear of staffing problems at Amazon or Google? Nope. Ever wonder why? It’s not just the money. Those employees are treated like they matter.

3. Be an employer people want to work for. Again, word has a way of getting around. In competitive industries where it’s tough to keep people no matter what you pay them, what you are is as important as what you do. In today’s marketplace, everyone is a free agent. And free agents go to the jobs where they are valued most.

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