Author Archives: " CRAdmin "

Low Oil Prices Don’t Spell Disaster for Alberta

Posted by · on February 01, 2015 · in Employment, job seekers, Labour Market, Oil and Gas Jobs · with Comments Off on Low Oil Prices Don’t Spell Disaster for Alberta

Low Oil Prices Don’t Spell Disaster for Alberta

Plunging oil prices and industry layoffs may be scaring Albertans, but a local recruitment company says not all jobs are in danger. “It’s not as dire as it seems,” says Trevor Mahl, CEO of Collective Recruitment, an oil and gas recruitment agency that has its pulse on the industry. “Many projects are still going ahead […]

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5 New Years Resolutions for 2015

Posted by · on December 31, 2014 · in Employment, Leadership · with Comments Off on 5 New Years Resolutions for 2015

5 New Years Resolutions for 2015

We all know the new year is a time where we set resolutions to become better versions of ourselves in the coming year, but do most of us ever actually stick to them? Whether you’re a business owner, HR professional or tradesperson, there’s always room for improvement and advancement in your personal and professional life. […]

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Top 5 Jobs in Alberta in 2014

Posted by · on December 14, 2014 · in Management · with Comments Off on Top 5 Jobs in Alberta in 2014

Top 5 Jobs in Alberta in 2014

Ongoing skills and labour shortages along with advancements in business and technology will mean an increased demand for five key occupations in Alberta in 2014. “This year we’re going to see a number of recruitment challenges in Alberta,” says Trevor Mahl, senior executive recruiter for Collective Technical Recruitment, an Alberta-based recruitment firm. “In particular, employers […]

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5 Signs You’re Ready for a New Career

Posted by · on October 20, 2014 · in Employment, Networking, Oil and Gas Jobs, Recruitment · with Comments Off on 5 Signs You’re Ready for a New Career

5 Signs You’re Ready for a New Career

Some people love their jobs. Others do not. Here are 5 signs you might be ready for a new career. 1. Every time your boss speaks, you stop listening. This applies even when he is in the room and talking to you directly. 2. You check the want ads everyday, no exceptions, even on the […]

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How to Be a Better Leader

Posted by · on April 29, 2014 · in Leadership · with 17,752 Comments

How to Be a Better Leader

Whether you’re managing a large team in an office or a small group on site, leadership skills are crucial to any manager, CEO or other leadership position. The only problem is, unlike the skills needed to get you through the day-to-day tasks of your chosen profession, people are traditionally not taught how to be a […]

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